Feel the clarity like a sunrise in the dawn
Moments. Push the pause button. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
Listen to your surroundings.
Hear the silent wind that are wispering. Listen carefully to the messages.
Listen to your own heartbeat pounding in the same pace as your thoughts.
Listen to the birds singing about freedom. Take that in to your bone.
Do you understand the song and can you bring the words to life or does the panic creeping up on you?
The panic that traps you in a cage. The prison created and owned by your fears.
You are the only one that can brake the chains of fear that holds you back.
If you not let fear control you, you can truly put wings on the words and let them be free within your self. Free to be what you stand for and want to be.
Do you feel traped or do you sync with the birds songs about the wisdom of freedom?
Take a deep breath. Feel the air fill up your lungs and the energy from a positive atmosphere take control of the mind, soul and body.
Feel the contact between your heart and your mind.
Let go of your fears, let go of the fear that control you, and sense the strenght you poses.
Take control of where you are to change your path and write your own history. Sometimes is the right and hardest thing the same.
Feel the sun smiling at you. Let the sunlight show you the path of happiness when you walk the road of uncertainty.
Feel the moment lift your spirit to higher grounds and your feet closer to the ground.
Do it also so you can say, I am here now.
Inch by inch take you closer to your inner fears, hopes, thoughts and dreams.
The wind are close to you. To remind you to stay focus yet relaxed on your most important journey, within your self.
The morning is still white as brightness.
With your eyes still closed see the sunflower rises and aim to the sun.
That is you, the sunflower, when all of you, the heart, mind and body are thinking as one unit.
A free fall to nothing yet everything.
It can be hard to let go or let in. To share a big part of you to another person. If you have control of your inner strenght and have that fire going you will never get lost regardless where you are in life.
It can be hard to let go or let in but Both rests on the same pillars, the home of fear.
Embrace fear but never let it build a home with a hard foundation.
Dont let it be your anchor.
Let your strenght be your wings that keep you in a shifting altitude.
Hear the water move with persistance and humility.
Just as your heart can do, if you let it flow with no boundries of your thoughts.
Listen to the oceans diffrent coulors.
The movement are diffrent from each challange it faces.
Never see a similiar situation as the same.
Listen to the waves that has a open mind as the birds songs about freedom
Imagine the waves within your body.
How it can create tumulte. How it can close roads.
How it can try to tear everything its way apart. How it can try to brake your aching bones.
Take a deep breath. Feel the air fill your lungs.
Feel the calm that secure you to be safe on the journey.
The waves are in the hight for the thoughts to take you over it.
In the tumulte it takes you to the deepest place within you.
There will you find the strenght that you never thouth you hade. That brakes the anchor of fear.
The beginning of the journey is maybe not fare, but it can give you something big, a unbreakable strenght.
There will you find freedom. Freedom to be you, freedom to be free of chains, freedom to love uninhibited.
Once you have find your deepest place within your self, you can always come back to. To reflect, be angry,disappointed, happy, but always find your way back to your sunflower regardless of your state of mind.
The strenght that will secure your road to be bold as love, keep the fear in place, walk in safetly to always seeks develempent but yet be grounded.
Take a deep breath. Feel life fill your lungs. Feel the strenght in every fiber and bones.
Feel the sun that goes to rest but still shine brighter than before.
Feel the positive energy that begins with the thoughts that now work close to your heart and the body that feel it.
Are you gonna listen to your doubts of wich road to go or just follow the oppurtunity. Dont fear what can maybe be hurtful, be more afraid of what you may loose if you dont try. The road are not the same as the last one. It can never be if you choose to have your eyes open to se it for what it is.
Listen to the birds songs about freedom and the oceans waves that have crossed your borders.
The waves that live in the moment, takes oppurtunitys, feel with the heart and the wisdom stored in the thoughts.
Feel that everything is more clear. The gravity is working with you and not against.
Open your eyes. Feel the perspective are more wider.
Listen to the birds songs about freedom and sing a long with them
Dont just talk about flying, put on your wings that you have now created!
