Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending
Life teaches us with a sledgehammer
Lessons we dont deserve, that nobody deserves
Look at your friend,boy/girlfriend or your family for who they are and show how much you love them
because the next day they may be gone
But don´t live in fear with that knowledge, just appreciate those around you, the could be your lifeline someday
They could be your angel in the darkness
And you could be a shining moon in the night for them
Don´t be afraid of showing your feelings for the people you care about
You should be more afraid of loosing them
You loose so much more if you dont show appreciation
Don´t complain for the things you don´t have, appreciate all those around you instead
Look forward with a positive attitude that will help you in everything you might take on
// Michaela