Guardian Angel

I thinking about you
Every single day yes, i'm really missin' missin' you
To have you around
All of you
And all those things we use to do
Meet me halfway, right at the borderline
That's where i'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where i'll stay
I can't go any further then this
Can you meet me half way?
I want you
Let's walk the bridge, to the other side
Just you and I
Every single day, yes i'm really missin missin you
And all those things we use to do
Meet me halfway, right at the borderline
That's where i'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where i'll stay
I can't go any further then this
Every single day yes, i'm really missing you
I thinking about you
/ Michaela

Long time ago

Some things we don't talk about
Better do without
Just hold a smile
Step one you say we need to talk
He walks, you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You gave him all of your secrets
You gave him almost all of you, but he did not appreciate you when the time still were there
He tried to give more and make changes when it was to late
When it all was over
And you stayed up with him all night
Wish you had known how to save a life
And you begin to wonder why you came to try and fix the damage he made
If he had been vulnerable and opened his heart, you wouldn't felt like nothing
If he had not said those things he said
If he were completely right for you
If he had the ability to see his own participation in what was wrong
You wouldn't have take the step away from him
I lost a friend and so much more
And you stayed up with him all night
Wish you had known how to save a life
Try to slip past his defense
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
But he was afraid to see his own mistakes in the mirror
And let go the fears of his past
Because of that fear he lost a part of his future
I lost a friend and more
You stayed up with him all night
Wish you had known how to save a life
He said I'm tired of the circumstance
He said I'm asking for one more chance for a clear view
He says now I know what I want
One time I wanna be the hero
One time I wanna be who you adore
One time when you look at me again
Like I'm more than just a friend
This time
You had already gave him all that you could do
You had already gave him to many chances, he was to afraid to take them
Afraid to change he`s old ways
Afraid of what the future could be
Afraid to be hurt
As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you loose the road
Or be brave and stand for everything you have done
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or blame you for everything and he'll say he's just not the same
We did fall apart like a heavy wall
I lost a friend
// Michaela

Dance the night away

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay out on the floor
coz i cant get enough, i cant get enough
Tonight we gon’ be it on the floor
Don’t stop keep it moving
i cant stay on the ground
We never quit we never rest on the floor
i cant get enough, i cant get enough
Freak it off kick it up
Raise the roof wreck the dancehall
its taking me higher, higher
higher off the ground
Dance the night away

A part of life

Våra ärr påminner oss om att gårdagen var verklig...
våra ärr påminner oss om att vi inte lever i en dröm
Våra ärr påminner oss att se verkligheten för vad den är
Våra ärr får oss att vakna och möta verkligheten
Våra ärr kan få oss att tro saker som inte existerar
Våra ärr kan få oss att misstro andras ord
Våra ärr kan påminna oss om vad vi gjort mot andra och vad man själv blivit utsatt för
Våra ärr, nya som gamla,kan man aldrig skydda sitt hjärta ifrån
Våra ärr kan göra så att det blir svårare att släppa in andra genom den mur man byggt upp runt sitt hjärta
Våra ärr kan ibland få oss att nästan drunkna
Våra ärr kan få oss att se saker som inte överrenstämmer med verklighetens sanning
Våra ärr kan slitas upp och börja blöda igen, det blir svårare att läka
Våra ärr gör det svårare att utelämna sitt hjärta igen
Våra ärr kan göra sig påminda när man minst anar det
Våra ärr kommer alltid vara en del av ens liv, bara mer eller mindre påtagliga
Våra ärr kan tyna bort tack vare andra personers helning eller genom beslutsamhet
Våra ärr kan svida när vi försöker hela dem
Våra ärr kan vi endast själva läka, man kan bara hjälpa andras att tyna bort
Våra ärr finns alltid kvar, men det går att tyna bort dem
Våra ärr  kan stå i vägen för lycka, men bara genom att själv tillåta det, då har man försakat sin egen lycka genom att låta ärren få vara påtagliga
Våra ärr har vunnit då, låt dem aldrig göra det
Våra ärr bildar fler ärr om dem får vinna
Våra ärr får aldrig vara i vägen för våran egna lycka, det kan man bara själv se till
Våra ärr påminner oss om att gårdagen var verklig...
// Michaela

Hold me

Hold me, and never let me go
Hold my heart and never let it fall from your hands into the ground
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Vågar du chansa?
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Vågar du falla mot det okända?
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Vågar du tro på känslan?
Vågar du lita på ditt hjärta?
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag vågar chansa
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag vågar falla om du faller med mig mot det vi ännu inte vet
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag vet vad min känsla säger mig
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag tror på det jag känner och litar på att mitt hjärta styr mig rätt
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag flyger med dig om du ger mig vingar
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Ge mig dina vingar så flyger vi tillsammans i alla väder
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Jag hoppas inte mitt hjärta lurar mitt förstånd
Jag hoppas mitt hjärta inte väglett mig fel
Hold my hand , I promise that I will hold yours
Hold my heart and never let it fall from your hands into the ground
Hold me, and never let me go
// Michaela

I can't stop missin you

I can't stop missin you
Wish I was there with you
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing,just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile
I wish you were here
I miss your smile
Your sense of humor
Your positive attitude and approach to life 
I miss all of you and everything about you
I can't stop missing you
It is not a long time until you are back home
But it feel lika a life time
Wish I was there with you
I cant stop missing you


/ Michaela


Ni är mina närmsta vänner
Ni som står mig närmast
Ni som är en stor del av mitt liv
Ni som jag aldrig skulle vilja vara utan
Ni som jag inte skulle klara mig utan i mitt liv
Ni vet att jag är väldigt social, men inte är så lätt att komma nära
Men ni är där och kommer alltid finnas där, det tvivlar jag inte på
Vi kommer fortsätta att växa tillsammans genom alla vägsjäl i livet
Ni finns alltid för mig precis som jag alltid finns där för er
Jag vet att den sista tiden inte har varit lätt för någon, fram för allt inte för mig
Jag är oehört tacksam mer än vad ord kan beskriva att ni funnits kvar under den här tiden, precis som ni gjort innan
Det är inte över än, men snart hittar nog läkarna vad det är, så att vi åtminstonde får lite svar
Har alltid funnits för er
När jag verkligen behövde det lite extra så fanns ni kvar
Med era trygga coh stöttande famnar
Det är något som jag aldrig kommer glömma
För att ni finns i mitt liv är ovärdeligt
Mer än vad mina ord någonsin kommer kunna förtälja
Men jag gör vad jag kan för att mina ord ska få fram det
Ni är mer än guld värt
Ni är mer värt än allt
Eran vänskap är ovärdelig
Rälsen sträcker sig mot evighetens sol, den kommer vi möta tillsammans
För alltid, oavsett vad som händer, så kan det bara stärka oss

Tack för att ni finns i mitt liv, mina underbara vänner

Ni har en stor del av mitt hjärta och kommer alltid att vara det

Ord kan inte beskriva hur mycket ni betyder för mig

// Michaela

Lights will guide you

Can't we just drive away
And forget about yesterday
my heart is a spinning wheel
It never slows down to heal from the sorrow
When you try your best but you don't succeed  
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 
Then you are stuck in reverse 
And the tears come streaming down your face 
When you lose something you cannot replace 

Lights will guide you

I am trying to forget the past
Keep dropping away so fast from the real you
He says I'm tired of the circumstance
Now You are asking for one more chance
And now you are missin, wishin I had pick up the phone.
But I made a decision that I wanted to move on long time ago.
Cuz you were wrong
Lights will guide you

I just cant sleep tonight, knowing that things aint right.

Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Your faith walks on broken glass
I`m in ruins
You're in ruins


I never thought that I could feel so free, now that you are out of my life completely
You said that we could be friends, I had my doubts, but I believed you
I had my doubts because I saw in your eyes that you wanted more
Wanted to be what we were
I had decided long time ago that I only could be your friend, never more
Because of the way you treated me
I have met a person that found a place in my heart
That means much to me
A person I believe in
You couldn't accept that fact, even dough we were friends
So you manipulated our story
You made up your own puzzles in your head that did not fit with the reality
I am done with convincing you about the real story
Those last word you said  to me showed the real you
The real you I never wanna se again
I have seen  the real you before, but I closed my eyes because I did not want to believe that a person like you could do those things you did
I did not wanna see that side of you
The side you confirmed with your last words to me
Those last words did help me see the real you, for the last time
I never thought that I could feel so free, now that you are out of my life completely
// Michaela


Remember those walls I built
Well, baby they're tumbling down

I maybe found a way to let you in
It's the risk that I'm takin
I got my angel

Everywhere I'm looking now
You're everything I need and more
Pray it won't fade away
I got my angel
/ Michaela

In repair

We're goin down 
and you can see it too 
We're goin down 
and you know that we're doomed  
we're slow dancing in a burnin room 

I was the one you always dreamed of 
you were the one i tried to draw 
how dare you say it's nothin to me 
you're the only light I ever saw 

I make the most of all the sadness 
you'll be a bitch because you can 
you try to hit me just to hurt me 
so you leave me feelin dirty cuz you can't understand
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